Sebastian Klein (Hrsg.): Der dreisteste Spammer der Welt

Der dreisteste Spammer der Welt

Eines Tages erreichte mich die folgende Spam-Mail:
Subject: Hey New Subsciber!  Buy our cgi scripts!  Low prices!
Date: 21 Mar 2002 10:03:22 -0000

Dear New subscriber:

       We have purchased an email list which gives us the right to advertise 
to you our products.  We do not currently have a remove list for this mailing
since we bought your name.  Come buy our products off our web site and please,
do not email me wanting to be removed from this mailing because I wont, I have
your bought your email address.
(Es folgt Werbung für CGI-Module, die niemand haben will.)

Am Tag darauf traf dann zur Abrundung des Genusses die folgende Mail ein:

Subject: anti-spammer, listen to me before you get hurt
Date: 22 Mar 2002 03:58:14 -0000

If you blame my site one more time I will come down there and fuck you up, your
wife will beg for your life as I ram her up the ass.  You got that you little
son of a bitch?  You are on my list and now I own you so sit there, shut the
fuck up, and read my ads because there is nothing you can do it about it.  My
web site is bullet-proof cause my web provider won't let you take me down.  HA
so eat shit.
Spammer sind stets rücksichtslos gegenüber den von ihnen zugespammten Leuten, aber daß ihre Geisteshaltung derart klar zu Tage tritt, ist dann doch selten ...
Sebastian Klein, Köln

Letzte Änderung: 23. März 2002